This appointment will usually take place between week 11 and 14 of your pregnancy. A detailed history will be obtained relating to both your current pregnancy and past medical history. We will check your blood pressure and test your urine. Routine blood tests are usually taken at this stage and we will discuss and offer screening tests for chromosomal abnormalities. The appointment usually involves an ultrasound scan to confirm fetal viability and gestational age. We will also provide information to the mother on diet, travel and lifestyle considerations.
Our Obstetric Services
The London Obstetric Practice provides comprehensive private obstetric care to expectant mothers. From the first ultrasound, to the birth of your baby, the same team will be by your side – providing the reassurance of care continuity, as well as an experienced obstetrician. With Mr William Dennes, our consultant-led obstetric care also affords more time to discuss any concerns specific to your pregnancy, and to explore any queries that expectant mothers may have. Our private care includes all antenatal appointments; and, to ensure convenience, we also offer a choice of hospitals for the birth.
At our practice, we can also provide antenatal screening tests. Despite most pregnancies proceeding normally, there is always a risk of chromosomal abnormalities – especially in older mothers. Our desire is to empower expectant mothers through knowledge, and we will ensure that you have all the support you need to feel confident in making decisions about your baby and birth.
Antenatal Care
The pattern of your antenatal appointments will depend on whether this is your first pregnancy or subsequent pregnancy. The frequency of appointments will also be determined by your individual requirements. Below is an overview of our standard practise:
At week 16 of your pregnancy, the results of the screening tests will be discussed. We will check your blood pressure and test your urine. Using a hand-held Doppler, we will also listen to the fetal heart. You may choose to have a scan at this stage, although this is not usually indicated.
Between weeks 20-24 of your pregnancy, we usually perform a detailed ultrasound scan for the detection of structural anomalies. The ultrasound is combined with a routine antenatal, obstetric appointment, when your blood pressure and urine will both be checked.
At week 28 of your pregnancy, the size of your baby will be measured abdominally. We will check your blood pressure and test your urine. We will also run routine blood tests to screen for anaemia, glucose and abnormal red-cell antibodies. This is also the optimal time to perform a 3D/4D scan.
At week 32 of your pregnancy, we will again measure the size of your baby abdominally, as well as checking your blood pressure and testing your urine. The results of all your screening tests will be reviewed and discussed.
At week 36 of your pregnancy, an ultrasound scan will be performed to confirm the presentation of the baby is cephalic (the baby is head down) and that the growth is normal. The abdomen will also be examined. We will also check your blood pressure and test your urine. Testing for Group B Streptococcus will be offered.
At week 38 of your pregnancy, we will measure the size of your baby and check the fetal presentation and position abdominally. Your blood pressure will be checked and your urine tested.
At week 40 of your pregnancy (your due date) the baby’s size will be measured, and the fetal presentation and position will be determined abdominally. We will check your blood pressure and test your urine. We will discuss the induction of labour and offer it from 41 weeks.
Additional investigations and ultrasound scans may be indicated on medical grounds, for example in twin pregnancies. In addition to the recommended ultrasound scans mentioned above, you may choose to have additional scans, although these will also be charged on an individual basis.
Decisions or concerns regarding your mode of delivery can of course be discussed at any appointment.
During your pregnancy, you can contact William Dennes for routine enquiries through his practice number. You will also be given his mobile phone number for emergencies and for contact out of hours.
Labour and Delivery
Mr William Dennes will be present throughout your active labour and for the delivery of your baby. In addition, a hospital midwife will be there to care for you during your labour. Please note, there are occasions where labour progresses rapidly, and you may deliver before he can attend.
If an elective caesarean is planned, this is usually arranged for week 39 of your pregnancy. Following the delivery, you would stay in hospital for two to three days, where you would have a daily check up with William. At six weeks post-birth, he would also see you for a postnatal check.
If William has any planned absences (for example leave or conferences) you will be informed in advance. An experienced consultant colleague will cover in this event.